Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Meditation - Come to Jesus - Chris Rice

How Human of a Moment was the Garden of Gethsamane?

"I tried for three years, it seemed like 90! Why then am I so afraid to die?" 

These are words of Jesus in Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Jesus Christ Superstar."  How human of a moment was this for Jesus? If he was the Son of God then why would he be so fearful and reluctant - as the musical portrays?

Or was he really reluctant? What was the source of Jesus' concern that night? What was he saying to the Father? Did he really want out? Was he wondering what the sense of the last three years was all about? Most of all, what does this moment say to you about the person of Jesus?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why do people refuse to believe Jesus is Jewish?

Even Robbin Williams speaks of the obvious fact that Jesus was Jewish. Why is it that there are still people out there, both Christian and non-Christian, who refuse to believe that he was Jewish? I'm surprised when  Christians who have attended church for most of their life, heard sermons preached from the Bible, learned biblical stories about Jesus in church and from family, grow up, get married in church and pronounced married with a blessing prayed to Jesus, do not realize that he was Jewish?

  • Why do you think this is?
  • Why is there are mental block in followers of Jesus about his being Jewish yet Robbin Williams believes it wholeheartedly?
  • Why is there such blind spot in our Christian culture about Jesus being Jewish?
  • How would you break the news to them?

Christianity vs. Jesus the Messiah?

This Jewish convert spoke of the hindrance to Jesus created by Christianity throughout history.  Coming to realize that Jesus is the Messiah and accepting him as Lord and Saviour, he now deals with a family that is confused about why he has converted to  a faith that was the source of much strife for the Jewish people throughout history.

  • What would be the equivalent for a Christian family experiencing a child accepting a faith that has hurt Christians throughout history?
  • How difficult is it for Jews to accept Jesus as Messiah?
  • How can we speak of Jesus in a way that will cause Jews to consider him as Messiah?
  • How can we speak of Jesus in a way that conveys his Divinity without being offense to Jews?
  • Why does Jesus appear in world history as a Jew?
  • Could God have simply done this another way .i.e., Jesus having come attached to another people group?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Would Jesus Buy This?

Would Jesus buy a bobble head of himself? With the Americanization of Jesus in our culture and paraphanalia that exists because of his popularity would he, if he were here on earth, buy it?

Seems like a silly question and yet I find that many feel that this is a cute representation of the person who claims to be the Son of God. Is this the kind of attention that He wants? Is this the kind of attention that He needs?

Would he himself use it as a fundraising gimmick to raise more money for his mission?

If you would put a Sidney Crosby [or favourite cultural icon of your choice]  bobble head on your dashboard then why wouldn't you put one of Jesus as well or in place of?

Washing the Feet of World Leaders

What do you think of this image depicting Jesus washing the feet of world leaders?

Is this an appropriate depiction given the actual story recorded by John in his gospel? Jesus washed the feet of his disciples during the last supper as a demonstration of the extent of his love for them.

Would he have done the same for Herod's sons who were ruling during this time, or the Roman Emperor Tiberius, or Pilate? Ironically Pilate washed his own hands in the presence of Jesus and his accusers.

Jesus Clearing out the Money Changers

This painting made by Carl Heinrach Bloch - a Danish Artist living in the 19th century - was commissioned by the Frederiksborg Palace. Bloch painted several scenes from the life of Jesus under this commissioning.

In this scene you see Jesus clearing out the money changers in the court of the Gentiles in the temple in Jerusalem. Some view this as Jesus expressing his liberal views that go against the common Jewish beliefs of his day, others see it as evidence of Jesus being anti-establishment.

What do you see? How do you view Jesus in this depiction by Bloch? What is the intent of the gospel writers as they recall this event in the life of Jesus as they witnessed it?